
Lobos Daughter Just Revealed His Hilarious Weakness

Lobo is a loudmouth, wisecracking anti-hero, and now that he's on the run, his daughter, Crush, just revealed an easy (and funny) way of finding him.

Warning: Spoilers for Crush & Lobo #5!

When it comes to bad dads in DC ComicsLobo is a guy that puts most to shame, but now with his daughter, Crush, hot on his trail, a funny weakness of his has been revealed that’s super easy to exploit. Suffice it to say, Lobo’s smoking habits are not only bad for his health, but in this case, they’re bad for his recently acquired freedom as well!

Seen at the very beginning of the Infinite Frontier-related issue of Crush & Lobo #5, by Mariko Tamaki and Amancay Nahuelpan, Lobo’s penchant for smoking — and littering — is a hilarious weakness of his that's currently acting as his downfall. After being tricked by Lobo into swapping places with him in space prison, Crush has convinced the authorities that she can hunt her father down and bring him to justice within a certain time frame, risking her own life and freedom in the process.

Casually stealing a ship after disliking the prison-sanctioned one given to her, Crush jets off into the void and immediately picks up the trail of some “Lobo space breadcrumbs.” Revealed to be discarded cigar butts, these breadcrumbs are littered across the stars in a way that brings Crush ever closer to Lobo’s current location; a task that she’s extremely annoyed and disgusted by.

Following the cosmic ashtray that is Lobo’s nicotine addiction, Crush happens upon various worlds that Lobo has recently left — most being far worse for wear than they were before Lobo arrived. Seeing “carnage,” “destruction,” “misery,” and “a field of cigar-smoking alien babies in tears,” Lobo’s weakness of not cleaning up after himself and having a seemingly unlimited supply of stogies is a boon to not only himself but the cleanliness of the galaxy he’s effectively disappeared into.

Well-known as a wisecracking, loudmouth, and sometimes politically incorrect anti-hero, Lobo is seldom seen without a smoke in hand (or between his teeth), acting as a character quirk of his that defines Lobo as a badass and care-free jerk that couldn’t care less about the effect second-hand smoke has on the beings around him. Furthermore, this issue depicts Lobo’s stogie addiction as being so ingrained with his character that the first time readers see him on panel, he’s raining hell down on some kind of tentacled alien species as he breaks into a cigar store to re-up on his favorite vice. Talk about how smoking kills!

So while Crush still has a ways to go before finally meeting up with her dad, following Lobo’s trail of cigar butts should make the process relatively easy. Lobo doesn’t have many weaknesses as a character, but Crush just gave fans one that could spell doom for this Czarnian if he keeps it up.

Next: Superman And Lobo Battle Each Other Using Cancel Culture

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Brian is first and foremost a nerd in every way shape and form. He likes to compare himself to a black hole, consuming any and every form of entertainment unlucky enough to get caught in his gravitational pull. It's not uncommon on any given day for him to read a couple comics, watch a few movies (inside and out of the theater), catch up on his ever growing but never depleting streaming queue, challenge himself with a few good video games, and of course, write his heart out. He spends every waking moment dreaming up interesting and intriguing concepts and ideas that will hopefully one day inspire and entertain anyone looking for an escape from their daily lives. Graduating from Full Sail University, Brian currently lives and works in New York City and lives for the day when all he has to do is wake up and create something unique and new for people to enjoy.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-19