
How old is Kniko Howard? Draya Michele's son's age comes under scrutiny post viral Jalen Green pictu

Jalen Green of the Houston Rockets made headlines over the weekend after being spotted with model and reality star Draya Michele. The Basketball Wives alum turned 38 in January while Green is only 21. Some fans scrutinized Michele being spotted with Jalen as she has a son named Kniko Howard.

According to HitBerry, Howard is Michele's eldest son born around 2002 when she was just 17 in Pennsylvania. If Howard was born at that time, he would be around 21 now, the same age as the Rockets star who was spotted with his mother.

Michele also has a son with former NFL cornerback Orlando Scandrick born in 2016. The couple eventually broke up in 2019 after several years of dating. As for Green, he was in a relationship with Instagram model Breach Hicks since 2021 before breaking up sometime this year.

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Even though Jalen Green and Draya Michele were only spotted together, fans are critical of the 38-year-old model. Some are not happy with Draya apparently being seen with someone the same age as his son. One fan even called her a groomer:

"Kniko is the same age as Jalen....Shameless, groomer.."

One fan took a shot at Draya Michele's age:

"Older berries goes sour."

Another fan thought about the consequences if it was the other way around:

"If it was a 38 year old man dating a 21 year old girl, the internet would be going crazy."

One fan quipped a good joke:

"She got her drivers license at the same time bro was being created."

Another fan is not buying the relationship because of the viral video Jalen Green was in a month ago:

"Nahh we still ain't forget what Jalen did with his teammate."

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Who is the father of Draya Michele's eldest son?

Draya Michele had her first son Kniko Howard in 2002 when she was a 17-year-old resident of Reading, Pennsylvania. Michele has been fairly quiet about who Kniko's real father is before it was scrutinized by people online a few years back.

There were rumors that Gilbert Arenas is the real father of Kniko. Michele and Arenas were in a brief relationship in 2008. Former Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams claimed that Arenas is Michele's baby daddy but had no definitive proof.

Michele finally broke her silence years later on Instagram by explaining that Kniko's father was sent to prison when she was seven months pregnant, as per Celeb Suburb. She raised her son with the help of her mother and called out the people who spread the Arenas rumors.

The 38-year-old model added that Kniko's father was eventually released from prison and now lives in Pennsylvania. She called him Kniko Sr., and he works as a barber.

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Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-20