
Station 19 Spring Premiere Recap 03/11/21: Season 4 Episode 6 Train in Vain

Station 19 Spring Premiere Recap 03/11/21: Season 4 Episode 6 "Train in Vain"

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, March 11, 2021, season 4 episode 6 called, “Train in Vain,” and we have your Station 19 recap below.  On tonight’s Station 19 Season 4 Episode 6 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “Carina and DeLuca pursue Opal, the woman suspected of sex trafficking; Maya leaves Andy in charge for the yearly inspection; Dean and Vic struggle to cope with the fallout of Dean’s traumatic arrest.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 4 episode 6 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In Tonight’s Station 19 episode, Dean and his fellow firefighter Sullivan were arrested. They were arrested because they were trying to stick up for women who were being manhandled by the Seattle police and so their arrests weren’t something the men regretted. They would make their same choices as before. They would stand alongside the women. Sullivan was supporting Andy because a cop had knocked her to the ground and he was being very aggressive with her.

Andy hadn’t done anything. She was simply trying to tell the officer that the woman they arrested was the mother of a victim and that she shouldn’t with care. However, Andy is a woman of color. The police automatically saw her as a threat and so her husband stepped in to protect her. Sullivan did exactly what Dean. Dean stuck up for the mother as well and he was arrested because he was a black man.

The only people that were arrested were black. The mother of a kidnapped victim was arrested because she had been trying to speak up for her daughter who barely survived a fire after being kidnapped. She was black and her daughter was black and the kidnapper was white. The cop actually seemed like he believed the kidnapper in spite of overwhelming evidence.

He arrested the mother and so Dean was going to go up to him, but he was arrested before he could say a word and the same happened with Sullivan. Two black firefighters were arrested and a white kidnapper was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. The trio were all bailed out. The mother rushed to be with her daughter at the hospital and the two firefighters joined the rest of their team at the fire station.

Unfortunately, Station 19 had a deep cleaning session right before a review. The review would determine their budget for the year and so it had to be done. It also couldn’t be rescheduled. A reschedule would be markdown as a failure. The firefighters couldn’t afford to have that on their records and so they did the job. They were doing the job when Maya called her girlfriend.

She needed to speak to Carina after such a tough day and she was in for a surprise when Carina answered her call. Carina wasn’t at the hospital. She was with her brother Dr. DeLuca and the two were following a known human trafficker. The woman was Opal. She came into the hospital a few months back with a young girl she was claimed was her niece and who was in fact a kidnapped child.

Opal showing up again after two girls had been rescued from a kidnapper was suspicious. DeLuca believes that Opal might have played a part in the recent kidnapping attempt and so he followed her because he wanted to bring her to justice. He had missed out on his opportunity last time to do so.

DeLuca had known that Opal was a human trafficker and he had tried to warn people at the hospital, but no one was listening to him at the time because he was having a mental breakdown. DeLuca is better now. He’s in treatment and he didn’t want Opal to get away again. He has to stop her because he knows she’ll just keep doing this with more girls. DeLuca also felt guilty because he believed if he had only been well when he first tried to stop her then maybe he would have ended her reign and no other girls would have gotten hurt.

DeLuca felt it was his duty to stop Opal. He called the cops the moment he and his sister got into the car to follow the woman and the cops told the siblings they couldn’t do anything. They said they needed evidence. They wouldn’t just take DeLuca’s word and Opal’s pretend niece had started her life over again. It would be hard for DeLuca to contact her.

DeLuca tried to reason with the cops and tell them that Opal was tied to this current kidnapping case and again the cops claimed they couldn’t do anything. The siblings, therefore, turned to Maya. They thought that she as a firefighter might have more pull than they do and so they told her everything. They asked her if she could help. Maya agreed to see what she could do. She contacted the police and so did Ben for that matter. The two of them called up every police officer they knew.

They were still given the same answer as the siblings. They were told there was too much red tape and that the police couldn’t do anything with concrete evidence. The police were no help. Maya didn’t want to give up and so she told her team what was going on. She needed volunteers to go help Carina and DeLuca. The whole team couldn’t go because they still had an inspection and so Maya sent Ben with Jack.

She didn’t send Dean. Dean had wanted to go and Sullivan did as well. Yet, neither man could afford to be arrested twice in a day. Maya chose other men over them and Dean was resentful. Dean has been resentful since his arrest. He and the others had instantly believed a black mother when she said her daughter was being held captive inside a house and it had been Maya that told them to wait for the police.

The police came. They didn’t do anything and so two girls had to get themselves rescued. They had to set a fire that almost killed just to be rescued. Dean felt if Maya had just backed him at the time that none of what occurred would have gone down and so he was tired of being dismissed. Maya later apologized for her behavior. She will never understand what it’s like to be in his position because she was a white woman and the most she or Jack or Montgomery or even Andy can do is be there for Dean and Sullivan.

Sullivan and Andy have been married a short time. She didn’t see the police as a threat until she saw how they were willing to treat her as well as her husband and now she knows fear. Her dead best friend was a cop. She had always sided with cops because she knew their life was at risk every day and yet the way those racist cops treated her husband had scared her.

For one moment, Andy came to believe the cops were capable of killing her husband. She learned true fear in that moment and that’s why she spoke up when Sullivan offered to chase after the kidnappers. She hadn’t wanted Sullivan to go with the guys. She spoke against him going and then someone mentioned the guys couldn’t afford to be arrested twice a day and so Maya didn’t choose him.

She chose Ben and Jack. The two went after Carina and her brother. They lost their phone call with them when the siblings chose to follow Opal onto a train and that had worried the guys. It also scared Maya. Maya ignored her gut earlier when she chose to call the cops rather than help a distressed mother and she regretted that decision. She realized now that she would rather follow her gut than continue to be the first female Captain of Station 19.

Maya left Andy in charge of the station. She told her that she was going after her girlfriend and that nothing was going to stop her. Andy understood her position. Andy stepped up as acting captain and she was prepared to lead the team through their inspection. If the inspection still happens. Andy was told by the Battalion Chief that he was running late and so the team was waiting for hours for some sign of him.

As they waiting, Dean told Montgomery and Vic his plans. He told them that he was going to sue the cops for wrongful arrest and that he was going to use his parents’ money to do it. This was huge because Dean hadn’t been on speaking terms with his family. They cut him after he became an unwed father and it was only recently that they started to reach out to him in the hopes of repairing their frayed relationship.

Dean was now prepared to forgive his parents if it meant building a better world for his daughter. He and the others were also so tired from their long day that he fell asleep before the Battalion Chief arrived. He came in to find them all asleep. He had to wake them up and so it was a rough first impression, but it got better once their boss learned that Andy was Pruitt’s daughter. Andy spoke up for Maya

and she defended her actions. She also spoke up for their team. Andy and her fellow firefighters were a great team. Vic cried a little. She had been through a demoralizing couple of days and the Battalion was willing to overlook her spontaneous burst into tears. The team did a great job and it turns out their friends had caught Opal. She was arrested leaving a train station. She was handcuffed without a problem and the cops proved that they didn’t shove someone’s face into the ground to get the job done.

There was just one hitch. DeLuca had gotten too close following Opal and she stabbed him.



Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-20