
Happy Days Star Anson Williams Is Throwing His Hat Into Politics

Henry Winkler, who starred opposite Anson Williams on "Happy Days" came out with support for his former castmate on Twitter. Wrinkler retweeted the announcement and added, "You have my vote." Because the announcement included a photo of Williams, people were quick to applaud his looks. "He hasn't just aged well, he's barely aged at all," one user wrote. Other replies poked fun at Williams' character Potsie, including "Legalize Potsie," and "Mayor Potsie has a nice ring to it." Yup, hold your breath for some future Potsie memes. In addition, plenty of comments expressed support for Williams as future mayor.

We'll have to wait to hear about Williams' policies and proposals. But one issue that's definitely important to the potential mayor? Safety on film sets. In October 2021, Williams spoke out passionately after the Alec Baldwin "Rust" shooting in an interview with ABC7. He stated, "Even before, you have a safety meeting, you have the effects person, you have the armorist, you have everyone responsible for anything that has to do with that particular potential safety problem." Throughout the interview, he shared his no-excuses outlook on the tragic incident, stating, "You go in there, you do your due diligence as a director and you make sure that whole d*** set is safe."

Now that's a solution we can get behind.


Lorie Orum

Update: 2024-05-21